Breaking into Spring
So now that the 80 degree weather has hit we here at Volition are working hard to get the magazine ready to publish all of your work. Again, if you are like most of us here, your wonderful work is sitting on your desk, awaiting your final edit because you keep putting it off and want to allow your thoughts to ferment. Well DON’T let the ferment TOO long. The deadline is April 4th, a mere two weeks away! And remember, even fine wine, if left fermenting too long turns to vinegar. So don’t let your amazing work go sour and send it into us! We are also anouncing a…
Open Mic Night Pics
Thank you everyone who came out to Open Mic Night, you all made it a huge success. We hope to host a Slam Poetry/Open Mic Night in early May where you will also be able to pick up this semesters Volition Magazines! We hope you all come out again to share your amazing poetry, music and prose with us! If you want to check out some photos from open mic night you can look under the ‘Open Mic Night’ Tab to your right. Remember that April 4th is coming up quickly so send is your submissions by then!
Open Mic Night
As the semester progresses we hope that all of you are putting aside your best work to send to us by April 4th, 2012! In the meantime we have planned an Open Mic Night on March 5th, 2012 in the JC BISTRO to showcase poets, short story writers and musicians. We will also be announcing and awarding our cover contest winner during the Open Mic Night. Come join us from March 5th, 2012 7-9 pm for free food and a night of literary zest in the JC BISTRO! Bring yourself, your friends, random strangers if you’re brave and any poems short stories (500 words or less) and/or original music you…
New Semester, New Volition
Hi everyone, We hope you had a wonderful winter break! At Volition, we are excited about the spring semester. And what better way to kick off the first week of the semester by receiving the longingly anticipated Fall 2011 magazine! Currently, You can pick up your copy of the Fall 2011 magazine at the following locations: The Johnson Center (JC) in the wooden bins The Student Media office in SUB II (THE HUB) at the Volition cubicle Starbucks (Northern Neck) SUB I Be sure to pick up your copy! Volition has plenty of planning to do this semester! Here are some of our current projects: Cover Contest ( For more…
Season’s Greetings!
Happy Holidays! Have a wonderful winter break! -The Volition Staff
Fall 2011 Magazine Updates
Hi everyone, This is just an update on the Fall 2011 Volition Magazine. As many of you have probably noticed, it has not become available yet. We have had some technical issues with our publisher. We have set a deadline for the magazine to arrive around January 16th, 2012. We understand that many of you need this issue for your portfolios. Please email us your mailing address, if you would like to receive the magazine due to reasons, such as transferring from Mason or graduating this semester. Therefore, we will be putting out the magazine during the beginning of the spring semester but, the magazine will be available for pick…
Volition Spring 2012 Deadline
Hi everyone, Just a friendly reminder that our Spring 2012 deadline is April 4th, 2012! Be sure to use your winter break wisely to get ahead. 🙂 For more information, please see our submission guidelines. Best wishes, The Volition Staff
Coming Soon…Fall 2011 Volition Magazine Copies
Hello everyone, We are still editing the Volition Fall 2011 Volume 12 . The magazine will probably not be available until late next week. Please continue to check this website for current updates. The Volition Fall 2011 will be (eventually) available in the following locations: Johnson Center (JC) Our office in The HUB (SUB II) in Room 1201 We will add an additional post to announce when the Fall 2011 issue will be available for pick up at the above locations. Thank you for your patience. Best wishes, The Volition Staff
Open Staff Positions
Hi everyone, Volition, GMU’s undergraduate literature and art magazine, is currently seeking enthusiastic, creative, and hardworking individuals for the following positions: Prose and Poetry Staff Art/Photography Staff Publicity Officer Graphic Designer If you have any questions about these positions , please email us at: volitionmagazine@gmail.com or check out our job descriptions tab to the right. Best wishes, The Volition Staff
Fall 2011 Submission Deadline
Hello fellow undergraduate writers and artists, Upon seeing the title of this post, you may be thinking “Is it time yet?” The answer is “Yes”. The deadline for Fall 2011 is coming sooner than you think. The submission deadline for Fall 2011 is November 4th, 2011. Please see “Submission Guidelines” under pages for guidance and… last minute anxiety relief. We are still in need of submissions for all categories including art, poetry, photos, and prose. What are you waiting for? Get those creative juices following! Submit today. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us at: volitionmagazine@gmail.com.